Agricultural Terror
"Saddam's Troublesome Marsh Dwellers Left High and Dry by Drainage" (Guardian, 01/06/03)
"US Soldiers Bulldoze Farmers' Crops" (The Independent, 10/12/03)
"Iraq: CPA Order 81 Is Even Worse Than Originally Reported" (Corpwatch, 08/12/05)
"Iraq: 10,000 Years of Farming and Fighting" (High Plains Journal, 08/10/06)
"Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination in Iraq: An Overview" (, 08/31/06)
"Iraq to Scrap Subsidized Food Rations by June" (, 01/30/08)
Americans Against the War
U.S. Labor Against the War
West Point Grads Against the War
Service Academy Graduates Against the War
"A Call to Conscience From Veterans"(Counterpunch, 02/08/03)"Chicago City Council Votes 29-to-9 for Iraq Pullout" (Chi. Indymedia, 09/15/05)
"Staying or Leaving" by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) (, 10/08/05)
"Council: Bring Troops Home" (Sacramento Bee, 11/02/05)
"First Woman GI Publicly Stands Against War; Faces Immediate Deployment” (After Downing Street, 11/16/05)
"Time to Leave" by Paul Krugman (NYT, 11/21/05)
"U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006" (ICH, 02/28/06)
Resolution of American Society of International Law (03/30/06)
Debate at SUNY-SB, Stan Goff (, 04/08/06)
"Forum Convened to Discuss Ending the War in Iraq" (Commondreams, 04/28/06)
"Troops Refusing Iraq Duty Get A Haven" (SeattlePI, 06/15/06)
"Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq" (DemocracyNow, 06/15/06)
American Federation of Teachers Opposes War in Iraq (2006)
"You're Either With Us or You're Dead: Can We Call It Genocide Now?" (Counterpunch, 10/12/06)
"After Pat's Birthday" by Kevin Tillman (, 10/19/06)
"Neither Truth Nor Consequence" (, 11/21/06)
"A Young Marine Speaks Out" (ICH, 12/08/06)
"About Face: Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal" (The Nation, 12/16/06)
"L.A. City Council Adopts Resolution to End Iraq War" (KNBC, 10/16/07)
"Open Letter to the Government from an AWOL Soldier" (ADS, 10/19/07)